Join our DDC

Talent Seminar

Date: October 6 I 2022

Location: AAU-CPH

Time: 15:00 – 17:45

Our purpose

  • With this seminar, we want to challenge status quo on how to grow, train, and retain talent within cyber security?
  • We want to share our experiences from working with some of the most promising cyber security talent in Denmark
  • We want to give you insights on how to create the perfect student-university-company collaboration
  • We want to put focus on how we need to work together to ensure a strong talent pipeline
  • We want to let you meet with like-minded peers who face the same challenges – and whom you can share your experiences with.

Our focus

So this is for you – if you are sitting with the same million-dollar question: how do we grow, identify, train, and retain quality talent in the field of cyber security that has an increasing demand for these type of profiles?

Is it about supporting the local communties? Involvement with the universities? Creating the right company culture being an attractive place to work at? Is it the tasks they will be getting? Or what are the talents may considerations when they are choosing their career path…

During De Danske Cybermesterskaber and all of the other security related events we have held with CyberSkills, we have met, talked and engaged with a lot of these talents at more than +200 events, workshops and CTF’s.

All this knowledge and many experiences are what we want to put at the centre at this seminar.

This is NOT just a question of how you as a company can recruit the best talent – but it’s about how you can take on a responsibility to ensure that we together develop the right talent pipeline.

Our spots are limited, so don’t wait too long with your sign-up!

On May 7 2022 we had the National Final as part of De Danske Cybermesterskaber.

Spend 3 minutes of your time, and get a sense of why a strong supportive community, a well developed CTF and University involvement is crucial for succes!



Registration & Arrival


Opening Words by Malene Stidsen, Programchef, Industriens Fond & Thomas Flarup, Chef, CFCS


Talk by Linda Pedersen, Partner, Happy42: What 200 cyber security events have learned us?


Talk by Jens Myrup, Professor and National Coach, Aalborg University: How do we train the talent with high potential – and give them the best ‘playground’?


Panel Discussion: How do we strengthen collaboration between Universities and the industry (CBS, DTU, AAU)


Coffee & Networking Break


Talk + Dicussion at tables: What do the young security talents want anno 2022 with Emil Hørning, TDC NET


Fireside Chat by Implement Consulting Group and VENZO_cyber security: How we work with diversity and talent development!


Round off, Snacks & Networking until 18:00!


Limited seats!



Linda M. Pedersen, Partner, Happy42


Jens Myrup Pedersen, Professor, AAU & National Coach 


Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Associate Professor, DTU


Malene Stidsen, Programchef, Industriens Fond


Thomas Flarup, Chef, Center for Cybersikkerhed


Raghava Mukkamala, Director, Centre for Business Data Analytics, CBS


Emil Hørning, Cyber Security Specialist, TDC NET


Humayoun Dar, Director, VENZO_cyber security


Mette Dreisler Driac, Partner, Implement
