You should consider a career in
cyber security!
Meet the people working with cyber security – learn skills and join relevant events

Pursuing a career in cyber security means joining a booming industry where available jobs outnumber qualified candidates.
The roles are much more than ‘hardcore technical’.
Let yourself be inspired by the content on this page – and consider if you should pursue a career in cyber security as well?
Dive into our online modules and learn more about cyber security!
Together with our partners we have created a great selection of online modules focusing on different aspects of cyber security.
Dive into all modules or choose the topics that interest you most!
“Fake News”
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 09:58 min
What is the difference between fake news, misinformation, and disinformation, and why is it more important than ever that we all critically evaluate the information we encounter?
Morten von Seelen, Vice President at Truesec Group highlights this here.
Cyber Partners
“Tænk som en hacker”
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 05:41 min
In the video, Steffen enlightens us about hackers and how companies defend themselves against hackers – Who are the hackers?
Why do they hack? What do they want to achieve? And how do they actually do it?
Aalborg Universitet
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 06:01 min
What is cybercrime?
What is the difference between a good hacker and a malicious hacker?
And how is cybercrime actually investigated?
Jens enlightens us on these questions in this video.
“Phishing Awareness “
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 08:16 min
Criminals have moved online, so digital hygiene has never been more important.
But how do businesses and individuals best defend themselves to prevent thieves from breaking in?
Linda explains much more about this in the video.
Foreningen for Danske Cyber Alumner
“Crack et password“
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 08:22 min
Secure passwords are crucial for maintaining IT security for both businesses and individuals.
But how do hackers sometimes manage to crack our passwords? And what can we actively do to prevent it from happening?
“Hacking og Afsløring af Sårbarheder“
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 06:39 min
How can good hackers help businesses keep malicious hackers away?
In this video, Kenneth explains what a VDP is, and why it is important for businesses to have a VDP.
VDP stand for Vulnerability Disclosure Program.
“Identity and Access Management “
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 31:22 min
Kristine Næss and Sissel Bille Mathiasen work with IAM (Identity Access Management) at Truesec. In this module, they dive into IAM – what it is, why it is important, what can happen if a company doesn’t keep up with their IAM, and they provide concrete examples of how they work with it.
Kristine and Sissel also share their perspectives on why IAM is a truly interesting field of work and why they think you should consider joining it!
Implement Consulting Group
“Demystifying NIS 2″
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 30:28
Have you heard about NIS 2?
NIS 2 is the European Union’s updated directive on cybersecurity, designed to enhance the resilience and incident response of critical infrastructure sectors.
In this module, Alexander Schwaninger and Ulrich Tyndeskov from Implement provide insights into the purpose and background of NIS 2. They dive into its applicability and requirements and share their hands-on project approach to helping companies comply with the directive’s requirements.
NIS 2 requires more talented people to help companies meet the requirements; This includes not only cybersecurity professionals but also experts in legal, regulatory, and commercial fields to make sure companies follow the directive fully.
Bjarke Petersen
“The Business Model of a Cyber Attack“
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 16:01 min
Bjarke is a serial Entrepreneur within Cyber and has a wide range of experience in the field of cyber security.
In this module, he explores the motivations and financial incentives driving cybercriminals. Discover how cyber-attacks are orchestrated, the different kinds of attacks, the business models behind them, and why organizations are targeted.
There is nothing stopping the industry in the foreseeable future, which is why we constantly need talented people to join the field. We need additional people – not only technical experts, but all kinds of competencies, also commercial professionals like Bjarke
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 22:26
Hvis du skal arbejde med cybersikkerhed er det en rigtig god idé at kende til D-mærket!
D-mærket guider nemlig virksomheder til, hvad de skal leve op til inden for datasikkerhed, databeskyttelse og dataetik – derfor er det et meget værdifuldt værktøj at kende til, når man arbejder med cybersikkerhed!
I dette modul præsenterer Majken Prip os for D-mærket – en dansk mærkningsordning for it-sikkerhed og ansvarlig dataanvendelse som blev lanceret i 2021 af Industriens Fond i samarbejde med Dnask Industri, Dansk Erhverv, SMV Danmark og Forbrugerrådet Tænk.
D-mærket er et af tre initiativer i Cybersikkerhedspagten
Kristian Larsen
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 04:33
How do companies and individuals protect their data in a time when the cyber threat is very high?
Elements like access control, backups, and updates are extremely important in this context, and Kristian explains much more about that in this video!
Marcus Sellebjerg
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 09:06
In this video, Marcus gives us a deeper understanding of cryptography – what different types are there?
What can it be used for? And what risks and challenges are associated with cryptography? … and he also reveals what we need to be aware of when quantum computers are developed.
Dansk Standard
“Arbejdet med Cyber-og Informationssikkerhed“
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 24:55 min
In this module, Mette from Danish Standards will tell you a bit about how ISO and ISC standards fit into the work of cyber and information security. What is a standard? Which standards are requirements, and which are guidelines?
“Cyber Defence”
About this module
Language: Danish
Duration: 24:29 min
What is good cyber defense? This module provides insight into itm8 as a company and how they advise their clients on building a strong cyber defense.
Erik Bandholm and Jesper Madsen provide an explanation of itm8’s Cyber Defence Center, including how to prepare for a cyberattack, which tools are essential, and what actions to take when an employee accidentally clicks on a malicious link. Overview, transparency, and management engagement are key concepts at itm8.
Learn more about cyber defense in this video!
Hvad er et godt cyberforsvar? Dette modul giver dig indsigt i itm8 som virksomhed, og hvordan de rådgiver deres kunder til at have et godt cyberforsvar.
Erik Bandholm og Jesper Madsen giver en introduktion til itm8’s Cyber Defence Center. De forklarer, hvordan en virksomhed bedst forbereder sig på et cyberangreb, hvilke værktøjer der er essentielle, og hvordan man håndterer situationen, hvis en medarbejder uheldigvis klikker på et skadeligt link. Her er især overblik, gennemsigtighed og ledelsesengagement enormt vigtigt for itm8, når de rådgiver kunder om cybersikkerhed!
Lær mere om cyberforsvar og itm8 i videoen her!
“Minimizing clients treats“
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 34:53 min
Thomas Sevelsted and Sidsel Trampedach Thorell from Truesec security takes you on a journey through the discussion “why is cyber security important?”.
You will hear everything about creating a risk-based cyber security program which focuses on moving from anxiety to actions.
So buckle up and join us through this presentation called “Keep s*** from hitting the fan”!
*Trusec acquired Venzo Cyber Security A/S in 2023.
“Cyber Security”
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 33:31
This module provides you with a thorough insight in the way Microsoft deals with cyber security.
The treat landscape is constantly evolving, and therefore the field is of huge importance in the organization.
According to Business Group Lead, Tanya Christensen, we need to be smarter, faster, and more agile, and most important: if you choose this career path, you will never stop learning!
Implement Consulting Group
“Cyber Resiliency & Business Continuity”
About this module
Language: English
Duration: 37:52 min
Christian Ehlers Mikkelsen and Kim Schlyter work every day to protect society and critical infrastructure around us through their work with their clients.
They strive to improve the cyber resiliency of their clients, which is what this module is all about.
Christian will for example show the connection between cyber resiliency and business continuity, and introduce you on how to do a business impact analysis.
ATU’s Cyber Career-Course!
Are you ready to explore the digital world and take your curiosity to the next level?
At ATU, we offer a unique opportunity for young people, ages between 15 to 25, to become part of our exciting Cyber Career course!
Notice: ATU’s Cyber Career-Course is in Danish
Read more about Cyber Career Courses here
The people who work with cyber security
Be inspired by these 20 young profiles who have chosen a career path in cyber security in Denmark.
They hold a range of different educations: law, economics, philosophy, communication to business administration. Yet, they all agree on one thing: cyber security is fun, challenging, and exciting to work with.
Eunice, Microsoft
Privacy is a human right. Every day Eunice works to protect customers’ data and she urges everyone to join the cyber security space – because privacy matters. And also, it is super exciting!
Ulrich, Implement Consulting Group
Ulrich has a master’s degree in law and is the perfect example of that cyber security calls for many types of profiles. His advice for everyone who is considering a future in cyber security is “Just go for it!”
Johanne, VENZO_cyber security
Cyber security is really not that difficult and there is room for everyone. You don’t have to know everything, you just have to be willing to learn.
Check out the rest of our videos
and get inspired by our awesome role models.
Nanna, Implement - Teaching, faciliating and communicating!
How do skills such as teaching, facilitation and written communication fit a career in the field of information security? They fit very well, and Nanna is the living proof of that!
Jonathan, Microsoft - Companies need all types of skills
“I don’t have the technical skills or the nerdy personality to work in cyber security.” If that thought have ever crossed your mind, then stop! Companies need all types of skills when they work with cyber security, and they need you!
Jessica, Implement - You don't need to be a hacker!
Every organization should think about cyber security. Because it’s such an important topic, you can really make a difference in this line of work. And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a hacker!
Amanda, STIL - Her huge passion lead the way
With a background in business administration and economics, Amanda applied for a job in the field of cyber security based on only a huge passion and interest.
Sidsel, VENZO_cyber security - Minimizing clients threats
Researching, talking to a lot of different people and offering advice to companies on how to minimize threats. If you boil it down – that is kind of how a day at the office in the life of Sidsel looks like.
Susan, Implement - The social scientist by heart
Susan is a social scientist by heart. She holds an educational background in political science and security risk management. Susan, among other things, helps her clients to define security requirements when they need to develop new solutions or products.
Alicja, EnergiCert - The analytical profile
If you are a good team player, a good communicator and overall are curious and willing to learn new things, then there is a good chance cyber security is a perfect match for you.
Rhianon, Implement - Help clients with digital roadmaps
Rhianon helps clients with their digital transformation journey. Very specifically, she focuses on companies cyber security, cyber needs, risks assessments etc. Right now she is helping a client on their cyber security maturity, developing roadmaps on where they want to be in the future and defining measurable steps on how to get there.